Professional Courses
Balancing Chakras with
Pranayama Course
The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which life energy flows into and out of our aura.
Blocked energy in our 7 chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.
As each Chakra relates to specific spiritual, emotional, psychological and emotional issues, the conscious awareness and balancing of these energy centers through Pranayama, Asana and Meditation can lead to increased well being.
Access Consciousness Bars Training
Mamouchka is a fully certified French Naturopath and an experienced alternative holistic medicine therapist. She teaches one of her modalities at our center, a new generation of energy healing coming from the USA called Access Bars Consciousness.
The Access Bars are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. We call all of the points we touch "The Bars." They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. For example about money that you consider important, the energy of that thought is stored in the Bar called "money." There are also Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex, etc.
Having your Bars run begins to undo limitations at their source by undoing the unconsciousness that creates limitations.
Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more.
You will receive an " Access Bars practitioner" certificate; an Access Bars Consciousness book from the organization in the USA and a recap laminated head chart with all hand positions.
Shiroabhyanga Training
Ayurvedic Head, Neck and Shoulder Therapy
Shiroabhyanga is done with Ayurvedic Medicated oils that are applied to the head, neck and shoulders. Beginning with gentle relaxation, students are guided step by step through the entire session. The objective is to apply all the techniques with appropriate rhythm and pressure. An overview is also provided on the benefits of each technique.
Areas of training include:
Preparation for the therapy
Relaxation Techniques
Application of oil
Techniques for the head
Relieving stress from the neck and shoulder areas
Marma points – Significant Ayurvedic sites on the head, neck and shoulders.
Locating and working each Marma point
Shirodhara - The External Steam
Literally translated, “Shiro” means head and “Dhara” means flow. The continuous pouring of warm oil on the forehead has a tremendous healing effect especially on the nervous system. It releases locked energies, clears and calms the mind, and works on all levels of one’s being from the physical to the subtle.​
The therapist needs to be well trained and focused in order to achieve the maximum benefits for the client. Training includes:
Preparation and Set up of the equipment and oils
Positioning the client for maximum comfort
Head, Neck and Shoulders relaxation massage techniques
Adjusting the flow of oil, refilling the pot, and other technical details during the session
Different methods of oil flow in order to attain overall benefits
Ayurvedic Herbal Science Course
This course of study focuses on the use of various herbs in Ayurvedic therapies. The theory includes a study of the energy and properties of herbs. Practical training involves hands-on usage of herbs in various forms.
Topics include:
Energetic of Herbs
Therapeutic properties of Herbs
Selecting appropriate herbs for different body types
Herbal Teas and Decoctions
Herbal pastes, powders and other items used for Ayurvedic therapies
Ayurvedic Medicated oils
Pranayama Teacher Training
Breathwork has finally started to emerge into its rightful place as a core practice of Yoga. Whether you want to become a pranayama teacher or just learn for yourself, this training is designed for those who want to learn standard techniques and primary skills in pranayama. It will help you to gain a deeper insight of Pranayama knowledge in the form of practice, yogic philosophy, and anatomy-physiology embodied in the ancient Indian Vedic texts.
Course Content:
Definition of Yoga
Different Paths to Yoga
Yoga Psycho-Physiology
Pranayama Theory and Practice
Role of bandhas and Mudras
Yoga Nidra
Foundations Course on Principles of Ayurveda
This lays a general foundation on the main aspects of Ayurveda and its operative principles, which is a must for all who are undertaking any kind of Ayurvedic training. This course of study provides students with a basic understanding of Ayurveda that enables them to identify the Doshas or Bio-humors in the body, to discover when they are out of balance and to chart out the measures to bring them back into harmony. It provides a firm foundation for carrying on further training and research in Ayurveda.
Mukhabhyanga Training - Ayurvedic Face Therapy
This is a sequence of cleansing and rejuvenating the face with Ayurvedic scrubs (ubtans), medicated oil, steam, and ayurvedic packs. Special mild herbs and oils are used for the face, as it is a sensitive and important area of the body. Massage techniques focus on the face “Marmas”, improving circulation in the face area, calming the nerves involved, clearing away excess skin deposits, and rejuvenating the entire face.
Step by step guidance and training is provided to ensure effective preparation, application and removal techniques.
Ayurvedic Consultant Training Course
This training program is for those who would like to become Ayurvedic Consultants and apply Ayurveda to meet the individual needs of clients in their treatment system. It can be undertaken by all health professionals as well as those who are managing spas, wellness and other health care facilities.
This course comprises of following modules:
1. Foundation Principles of Ayurveda (as described above)
2. Ayurvedic Aromatherapy (as described above)
3. Ayurvedic Herbal Science (as described above)
4. Applied Ayurveda (Case Studies)
On completion of the training, students are required to complete five case studies. This provides the necessary confidence to select the appropriate oils and herbs, as well as chart out treatment plans independently and effectively. Case studies are discussed in class, thereby widening the knowledge and experience of all students
Ayurvedic Aromatherapy
Using Ayurveda as the underlying principle, essential oils are blended to provide the maximum benefit. Included in this course of study are
Topics include:
Overview on Aromatherapy
Methods of Essential oil extraction and its effect on the purity of the oil
Differentiating between synthetic and natural essential oils
Therapeutic guidelines for essential oils
Oil families
Essential oil monographs based on Ayurveda
Selecting and blending essential oils with carrier oils in order to balance respective bio humors (Doshas)
Using essential oils with various Ayurvedic treatments and therapies.Energetic of Herbs